White Moms: Kyle Rittenhouse & Travis McMichael Are Our Sons

Karen Fleshman
6 min readDec 2, 2021

This post is coaouthored by Rev. Amanda Hambrick Ashcraft

As racial justice activists, we were heartbroken but not surprised by the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse. While we are grateful Travis McMichael, his father Greg McMichael and their neighbor William “Roddie” Bryan were convicted in the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, Arbery should still be alive. As Qasim Rashid pointed out:

As white moms, seeing white people time and again annihilate Black and Brown people with no accountability strengthens our resolve to raise our children antiracist, encourage our siblings to do the same, and organize in our communities. It is imperative we do so. White supremacists are online recruiting our sons.

White moms: we must be the generation who breaks from our past and raises our children very differently from how we grew up.



Karen Fleshman

Founder, Racy Conversations Inspiring the antiracist generation.