#UniteforJustice #SaveSCOTUS #StopKavanaugh

Judge Kavanaugh is 53 years old, he could easily serve for 30 years. The younger you are, the more marginalized your identity, the more Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court will harm you.

Karen Fleshman
4 min readAug 26, 2018

Do you ever wish you had done something back in 1991 after Anita Hill told us who Clarence Thomas is?

I know I do. And a lot would be different now if we had listened to her back then.

We can’t go back in time, but we can learn from the past and not repeat the same mistakes.

On July 9, 2018 45 announced he nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

45 announces Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court

In order for Judge Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court, the US Senate Judiciary Committee holds a confirmation hearing, and then Senators will vote. He needs a majority of Senators to vote to confirm him.

Why stopping Kavanaugh is important

Judge Kavanaugh is a conservative extremist endorsed by the National Rifle Association.

He is a former longstanding member of the Federalist Society, an association of conservative attorneys. He opposes abortion rights, LGBT rights, immigrants rights, workers rights.

If confirmed, he would become the fifth conservative Justice on the Supreme Court, which is composed of nine Justices.

The Supreme Court makes decisions by majority vote. So if Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed, the conservative Justices would have the majority vote needed to end abortion, marriage equality, gun control, civil rights, immigrants rights, and workers rights.

If Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed, the conservatives on the Supreme Court will continue to support corporate engagement in politics, and all the interest groups who endorsed 45: the National Fraternal Order of Police, the Border Patrol Union, the National Rifle Association, the Ku Klux Klan, the religious right, the Koch brothers, and the rich.

Where we are in the process

Senate confirmation hearings for Judge Kavanaugh are scheduled for September 4–6, 2018.

45 is desperate to get Judge Kavanaugh confirmed before the November 6 2018 midterm election so he can show his base he is “Making America Great Again” by turning it into a living hell for everybody else.

On August 24, 2018, after 45’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort was convicted on eight criminal counts and 45’s personal attorney Michael Cohen pled guilty to eight counts, all ten Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee sent Chairman Senator Chuck Grassley a letter detailing why the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings should be postponed.

What you can do to #StopKavanaugh

August 26, 2018 is a national day of action in all 50 states to demonstrate opposition to Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Check uniteforjustice2018.com for an event in your area.

Women from across the country are gathering in Washington DC for civil disobedience on the day the Senate Confirmation hearings start, September 4, 2018. Learn more and sign up at www.cancelkavanaugh.com

All of us can call and tweet our Senators, the Senate operator is 202–224–3121.

Indivisible.org has a very helpful Senate vote tracker on Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, so you can easily track where your

These Senators are neutral or leaning toward confirmation, and it’s especially important if you live in their states that you reach out to them: Senator Donnelly (D-IN), Senator Heitkamp (D-ND) Senator Jones (D-AL), Senator McCaskill (D-MO), Senator Manchin (D-WV), Senator Collins (R-ME), Senator Murkowski (R-AK), Senator Sasse (R-NE).

I made this video and tweeted it at them, I urge you to do the same:

This is a very important time for all Americans who care about our country to get involved and make our voices heard!


“The time is always right, to do what is right.”- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Karen Fleshman, Esq. is the founder of Racy Conversations.

Her mission is to inspire the first antiracist generation in the United States.

43% of Millennials are people of color. 47% of Generation Z are people of color.

When we flip 10% of the white people in those generations- and 10% of white women- to antiracism, we will have a majority antiracist generation that will be transformative.

She speaks and cofacilitates workshops on race nationwide and online and contributes to Huffington Post, Moguldom, and The GED Section.

Karen is a cofounder of San Franciscans for Police Accountability and serves on the workgroup overseeing US Department of Justice recommendations on ending bias at SFPD.

www.racyconversations.com @fleshmankaren



Karen Fleshman

Founder, Racy Conversations Inspiring the antiracist generation.